Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Promise, IS a Promise

Promise, promise, Promise that I will update soon w/ pictures! Relief Society activity tomorrow night SO as usual, per the night before...I'm busy!
I'm really nervous about this one...
It's on Death, Grief, and Estate planning. I came up with this one because of what I have gone through losing my mother and we have allowed the men to come tomorrow night with their wives. I will be getting up in front of everyone {pretty much like a ward fireside} and speaking about my story. About grieving. What to say and what not to say. Along with wills, life insurance etc...Thank goodness though a kind husband of a dear friend who is a lawyer is speaking about that part. Phew! I just felt like this was something NO ONE talks about at church on how you prepare while you can for death and grieving. And how do you plan and LDS funeral? Funeral cost?
All those things you never think to think about until it's to late. SO, to lighten the load, I have also planned a chocolate dessert bar for the after-part.
You know, to sweetin the mood ....LOL
My new blog banner/header and colors!
Just the kick to get me back into blogging.